New Account Setup

Please complete all fields and upload the requested documents (in PDF or JPG format) to create a new ML Schedules™ Software user account and related Group(s).

Class Description
Priority 1 - Boosters & Parent Organizations

Boosters and Parent-led Groups

May reserve up to 3 months in advance

Separate from PTA / PTO / PTSO groups

Priority 1 - Internal Use Only District Staff Members
Priority 1 - Municipal / Local Public Service Local municipal, government, public service groups
Priority 1 - NHSD Interscholastic Athletics School district sports entered by Nataly Price
Priority 1 - NHSD Sponsored Clubs & Activities Clubs, Dances, Arts Alive, Plays & Musicals, etc.
Priority 1 - PTA / PTO / PTSO Groups Has permission to schedule one year out per Amy Mattheiu
Priority 1 - Scout Troops May schedule for the current school year.
Priority 2 - Community & Regional Youth Organizations

Community & regional youth organizations.

May reserve up to 3 months in advance.

Priority 2 - NHA North Hills Aquatics

Youth Swim Practices & Swim Meets

May reserve up to 3 months in advance.

Separate from Varsity which is schedule by athletics.

Priority 2 - NHAA, NHSC, WVRAA

Separate classification for these 3 groups.

May reserve up to 3 months in advance.

Priority 2 - Youth Team Sports (not affiliated with NHSD Athletics)

Local Sports Organizations

May reserve up to 3 months in advance.

Priority 3 - Dance Comps & Shows May reserve up to 3 months in advance
Priority 3 - NHA North Hills Aquatics

Community Swim, Lessons, Parties

May schedule up to 3 months in advance

This is the NHA organization - separate from varsity swimming that will be reserved by the athletic department

Priority 3 - Outside Groups & Individuals

Outside or Non-community groups are groups that are composed of less than 85% of District residents.

May reserve up to 3 months in advance.

Priority 3 - Special Designation Groups identified by the Superintendent that are permitted to schedule up to 365 days in advance.

User Information


Group Information

If you are an internal staff member who will be submitting requests on your own behalf (i.e. not for a group, team, club, etc), use your first and last name as the Group Name.

Additional Group Information

External / Outside Groups: Upload the Group's Certificate of Insurance and its Expiration Date.

North Hills School District requires the 1-Page "ACORD Certificate of Insurance."  Please do not attach your group's multi-page insurance policy.  The "Certificate Holder" (lower left box on the Acord Certificate of Insurance) must include this information below, as it is shown, or the certificate will be rejected.

North Hills School District
135 Sixth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA  15229

Additional Group Files
  • File1
  • File2
  • File3